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Monday, July 13, 2015

July Small Goals

Join me, and others, as we link up with Jennifer @ The Yellow Brick Road this month to reveal our small goals.
Taking a look back at June, I wrote about 4 goals I had for the month.  The outcome wasn't surprising....check it out.

1.  Blogging, blogging, blogging.  Breaking News!  This just in....I blogged a grand total of 5 times in June.  Most were small and related to a giveaway, but I did it.  Yay!
2.  Lose Weight, Feel Better.  Ummm.  Well...this may need to roll over to July.  Not much to say about that.
3. Get creative.  I have done quite a bit of creating for TpT this summer.  I added several products to my store, and have even cleaned up a few old ones. 
4.  De-clutter and organize.  Kids' rooms cleaned?  CHECK!  Closets organized?  CHECK!  Elimination of unwanted stuff?  CHECK!  All in all, it's been a good month for this one.
Now for JULY goals!
1.  Lose Weight, Feel Better.  I might as well drop this one down and carry it over.  Though I didn't lose any weight last month, I did begin a walk/run routine with my middle child.  We got up early, before the day was too hot, and did our thing.  It was good for both of us to get our bodies moving and our mouths talking.
 2. Vaca with the Hubs.  In June the hubs and I celebrated our 20th year anniversary.  We had planned to take a trip to Mexico, but it just didn't pan out.  Now, we've got a date planned in Orange Beach, Alabama.  No.  It's not Mexico, but it is time away from our daily schedules.  The best part.....wait for it..... NO CHILDREN!!  Technically, this isn't really a goal, but to me, if we make it there and back with no roadblocks (i.e. emergencies or last minute schedule changes) then it's a huge accomplishment.
3.  Begin working on my classroom.  I don't want to begin this too early in July, but definitely toward the end.  The past few years, I've waited until our teacher workdays.  It was too stressful on me trying to get everything done in the short amount of time.  If I spend a few hours at school, here and there, before actually reporting in, I think I won't be so rushed.
4.  More family time = less technology time.  This is such a challenge, for not only me, but many of us out there.   I love my technology.  My kids are addicted to technology.  I'll miss something important and fall out of the loop if I'm not plugged into technology.  Ugh.  I made a change in the house recently.  Hang with me for a minute while I give some back story.  Three years ago, my family of 5 moved into a small duplex with great plans to purchase a house within a year.  Without going into details, we are still here, and getting more cramped by the minute.  Our little children have grown big.  Our living room seating can accommodate 4, and our kitchen table can as well (no space for the leaf insert to make table larger.)  So, as a result, the three kids ate at the table every night, while hubs and I ate on the couch with t.v. blaring.  HATED IT!  Fast forward to July 1st...with the kids on their phones constantly, I felt we were missing out on a huge part of their lives, and momma wasn't happy.   So....we added the leaf in the table (yes, our space is more crowded), turned off the tv and phones, brought the food to the table, served around the table asking "please pass the..." and "thank you", and we've actually had some quality, lengthy dinner-time conversations.  Hallelujah!  With hectic school/activity schedules on the horizon, my hope is to unplug more and cherish our family times around the table as much as possible.
Stay tuned for an update on meeting my goals.  
I would invite you over for dinner, but with my happy family now in place, you'll just have to wait :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your goals! My husband and I don't have children, so often times our meals are eaten on the couch in front of the T.V. However, we also set aside time to chat about our days, so it always equals out in the end :)
